Rahman Anadeel Yusuf Mohammad Habib, Chief Markerting Officer

With more than a decade of learning and working practices in different corporate and knowledge initiatives for digital businesses, Anadeel made it happen to start off a knowledge initiative jointly with Korea and the UK associations. Being an entrepreneur, and trainer, having expertise in Social Centric Digital Marketing, Content and Campaign Management and different Projects Management, he achieved a number of certifications in digital marketing and recieved Chartered Marketer CPD status since 2015.

Ahmed  Hussein Salah, Director of Videography

Whether you’re new to content making or a seasoned video editor, Ahmed can teach you a thing or two about keeping fit for the ring and understanding your audience.

While he comes from the world of professional cinematography and creative strategy, Ahmed takes a holistic approach to content excel, and is just as likely to throw you into a piece of content as he is to takes you around the success.

Akon Steve Hermann, Content Strategist

Are you looking to improve your writing skill? Then you should get in touch within Akon for a consultation.

A highly trained instructor for both academic and business writing, Akon can help you better understand your own writing style, and will help guide you towards your goals in a way that works with current business world.